Battlezone 122

This prototype is only slightly different from the final release.
It appears that some of the bugs needed to be worked out of the radar
and shooting algorithms.
The enemy tanks
appear to start very far away from your tank, as the player must
drive forward for a few seconds to even begin to see them on the
radar. In the final version, enemy tanks are visible on the
radar right away.
The shooting is very strange.
Your bullets appear to move much slower and stay on the screen
much longer.
Your tank's color is a bit lighter. This
makes it harder to see against the background. |
The sky is a bit lighter blue than in
the final release (I know I know, I'm being picky!) |
The sunset is slightly different (this
is hard to see). |

Somebody's about to have a bad day...


Notice how much lighter the tank and sky are

Here's a screenshot fron the final release
for comparison
to Battlezone