Big Birds Egg Catch 12-8-82


This is a very early version of Big Bird's Egg Catch.  The most interesting thing about this prototype is that Big Bird appears to be a large blue block.  This could very well be a carry over from when the game was rumored to be called Grover's Egg Catch.  The graphics artist might not have had the drawing for Big Bird ready so they just blocked over Grover.  No definitive proof has been found to verify this claim though.


There is no title screen
Big Bird is a large blue block with two bars and a basket above it
There are two houses on each side of the screen
Before the game starts the slides are gray and white
The barn with the eggs sign is missing
There is no music
The "egg catch" sound is different
There is no egg splat or miss sound
There are only 8 variations and no timed games
No two player modes
There is no intermission showing how many eggs you caught
There is a brief flash above each house as the egg passes (a glitch)
The right difficulty switch controls the egg speed
The score font is green
The screen jumps slightly on the variation selection screen


I like the other graphics better


I wonder if Grover is under that block?


The graphics may be different but the gameplay is just as exciting as ever...


The eggs just disappear when you miss



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