Bicycle Trainer 3-6-85
This is only known prototype for Bicycle Trainer. This
particular prototype surfaced in an auction back in 2022, but
would not work due to a bad component on the board. This
was eventually fixed and the cartridge was successfully
dumped. Unfortunately without the special hardware
interface, it's difficult to make the program do much of
anything. It is believed that this version is a
semi-functional proof of concept rather an a complete program.
Underneath the homemade 'production label' is a prototype
label with a date of 3/6/85 on it. It's interesting to
note that the program reuses am old Video Chess cartridge for
the case. This was a common practice for both large and
small companies.
Exercise Program #1
Exercise Program #2
Exercise Program #3
Exercise Program #4 (Freestyle)
to Bicycle Trainer