Bionic Breakthrough ?-??-84


This is the version that Best Electronics sold for many years.  It was long assumed that this version was the latest one since it has a fancier title screen, but after much research it appears that this version is actually slightly earlier.  This version still uses the original version of Super Breakout which has not been modified yet except to add the two new variations (8 and 9).  This version also has a bug that makes the paddles flicker on those new variations. 

Prototype Differences
The title screen is much more detailed than the later version and has a different copyright (Atari instead of Atari Inc.).  The copyright symbol is different too.

There is a HMOV line visible on the title screen and on the MindLink calibration screen

The score and variation number are in a different font.  This is the original font from Super Breakout.
The variation and ball number are displayed on the top of the screen with the score instead of the bottom (as in the original Super Breakout).
The first and second players scores are in the same spot at the top of the screen (as in the original Super Breakout).  In the later version the scores are on the left and right sides of the screen due to the variation and ball number being moved to the bottom of the screen.
Two player variations show a 2 in the second number when selecting variations.  The later version always has a 1 there.
The paddles flicker on variations 8 and 9
The MindLink controller uses the left controller port instead of the right.
Having a joystick plugged into the other controller port will not make the game freeze like it does in the later version.


Bigger better title screen


The logo is on the move!


Notice how they went back to using the normal Super Breakout game?


The score bug is present in this version as well



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