Crystal Castles 1-4-84


This version of Crystal Castles is very close to the final with only minor differences.  The most interesting difference is that the levels are in a totally different order.  It is unknown why this was changed for the final release.


Prototype Differences
The levels are in a different order.
The bee swarm moves slower when flying down to the honey pot, but move at normal speed after the "hurry up" point.
The "Got the last Gem" tune is slightly different
The tune for not gettng the last gem is different.
The magic hat tune is slightly different.
The game over tune is different and faster.
The second level is blue instead of gray.
The title screen background is a lighter shade of blue.



The title screen is a little bright...


Notice how the second level is blue not gray


Level 1-3


Level 1-4


Level 2-1


Level 3-1


Level 6-1


Level 8-1


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