Galaxian 12-3-82


This is a very interesting Galaxian prototype for several reasons.  The first and most important difference in this version is that the players ship is invincible, this was most likely done to make testing easier rather than being the result of incomplete code.  Also notable in this version is that the top two Galaxians look like they do in the arcade, in the final version they were replaced with normal looking Galaxians.  Also note that the lab label says this is version 005-01 (Jan. 5) although the EPROMs inside say 12/3.  It appears that an old lab label was used and not updated.

The game starts automatically
The top Galaxians are shaped differently
The top Galaxians do not swoop down
There is no demo
There is no copyright notice
The players ship is invincible
There is no title screen
No sound effects have been implimented
The border around the screen is a different color
The wave number is shown in a smaller font
The players reserve ships look slightly different
The screen jumps slightly
The pause between levels is slightly longer


Similar but different...


Notice how the wave counter is different


No fear, there's no collision detection!


Wait all you want, the top two Galaxians never come down


Gotta wonder why they changed the top Galaxians in the final version


There's a LONG pause between levels...



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