Jungle Hunt
Jungle Hunt |
Company: |
Atari |
Model #:
CX-2688 |
Mike Feinstein & John Allred (GCC) |
Year: |
1983 |
Originally called Jungle
King |
If you've ever stepped foot into an arcade then your familiar with Taito's
smash hit Jungle Hunt, but did you know your character wasn't always an
English explorer? Jungle Hunt started out as Jungle King in which
you played the role of Tarzan. Although the rest of the gameplay
was pretty much the same, at the end of the third stage a giant boulder
would fall down and your character would jump up on it and give the famous
Tarzan yell. Apparently the lawyers didn't think this was too funny,
because the owners of the Tarzan trademark sued Taito. In the end
Taito changed the main character to a non-descript explorer and volia!
Jungle Hunt was born.

Unlike most arcade to home translations, the 2600 version holds up fairly
well against its arcade counterpart. The biggest difference is found
on the third level (the hill with rolling boulders) where the programmers
decided to flatten out the hill and made the boulders "bounce" towards
you. This was done because the 2600 couldn't handle diagonals very
well and a large hill with rolling boulders was out of the question. This
change was probably for the best, as any attempt to reproduce the hill
on the 2600 would have looked god-awful.

Also changed in the 2600 version was the cannibal stage.
For some strange reason the programmers decided to split up the cannibals
and give each one its separate screen. This was probably done because
of the limitations of the 2600 hardware, as it's doubtful it could handle
two cannibals, your girlfriend, and the player all on the same screen.
This change, although minor, actually takes most of the challenge out
of the cannibal stage since you don't have to time your jump to land between
the two cannibals. However, what challenge was lost with the removal
of the second cannibal was made up for with dodgy collision detection.
It's not a bug, it's a feature!

Other annoying omissions include the air bubbles from the
river stage (weren't those annoying?), the monkeys from the vine stage
(mega annoying), and the cauldron at the end of the game. Instead
of your girl friend being suspended above a boiling cauldron on a rope,
she's just sort of standing there waiting for you. Why the cauldron
was omitted is a mystery since the 2600 could have easily handled it.

If you're looking for a multi-screen action game, Jungle
Hunt is one of the few 2600 titles that will satisfy your needs. Despite
its flaws, the action is fast, and the gameplay is as addicting as ever.
If you're still miffed about the lack of a hill on the third stage, just
tilt your TV 45 degrees. Not only will you now have your much desired
hill, but you'll have the added challenge of playing the other stages
uphill. It's a whole new game!
Version |
Cart Text |
Description |
2/3/83 |
Jungle Hunt 2/3/83 |
Very early version with only two stages |
2/22/83 |
Jungle Hunt 049 |
2/25/83 |
Jungle Hunt EPROM Cartridge 056-02 |
Almost complete. Missing sound
and has slight graphical differences |
3/3/83 |
Jungle Hunt 062 |
to 2600 Software