Moon Patrol 7-4-83 (185)


This prototype looks much like the final version but there are some holdovers from the earlier prototype like the off center bonus for example, but you can see they were starting to finalize the design.  The sounds in this version are slightly different, but thankfully the music is back to normal.  Another  difference of note is that they were still using the rover symbol to designate one player or two.  Later on they changed it to 1P and 2P.  Finally the three speed option still has not been implemented yet so there only two speeds (slow and fast).



Prototype Differences
The option for three speeds has not been implemented yet so the right difficulty switch does nothing.  The game only has two speeds.
The Bonus sound plays at a lower pitch.
The buggy explosion Sound is different
The sound for shooing a rock is different
When you fail to get a Bonus, there is no sound or text displayed.
The word Bonus is still off center.
Instead of showing 1P and 2P for one or two players, this version displays one car or two rover symbols.
The level and player select text will sometimes turn white instead of orange after pressing select.
The left difficulty switch for music on/off is reversed (A=off / B=on)


Now there's the rover we all know and love

Bonus is still off center...

Here's the white text glitch

One player, one symbol


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