Mr. Do moves MUCH slower |
The colors are different and look more pastel
Three are odd purple stripes beneath the
levels. It is unknown what these are for.
The screen has more vertical height |
The keys do not open the door
The slatted bridge is not implemented
The four Unicorns at the top of the screen do
not move
The door looks different |
The movable ladders are diagonal like the arcade
game, but cannot be kicked |
The left two Unicorns disappear if Mr. Do! moves
to the top of the screen
Only the Unicorn closest to the door on the
right side has collision detection. Mr. Do! will
pass through the other one.
There is no music or sound
The score does not increase
Mr. Do's! movement animation is a little
different. His eye moves up and down as he walks.
Blocks to not fall down when Mr. Do! hammers a
tile. |