Oscar's Trash Race 12-3-82

This is a VERY early graphics demo for Oscar's Trash
Race. All the gameplay from the earlier version appears to
have been scrapped as the game was given a complete makeover.
This prototype is dated a little more than a month after the
unreleased earlier version of the game (10/20/82). You can
actually see the transition between the two versions. The
playfield is sort of a hybrid between the two designs (the
dividers from the later version are there but implemented by
making it a ‘street’ rather than lines in a field). Oscar
appears at the bottom of the screen like he does in the earlier
version instead of on a separate screen, however he looks more
like he does in the later version rather than his earlier
version incarnation (larger with more detail).
This prototype consists of only one static screen showing
what the game was going to look like and was most likely made
for the marketing department so they could take some pictures to
put in promotional material.

Early Version
Demo Version

Final Version
to Oscar's Trash Race