Pitfall 3-18-83


This is an extremely perplexing prototype for Pitfall.  The rom itself seems to be a VERY late beta, with just a few small bugs to fix, but the date on the label is from 1983 which was more than a year after Pitfall was released.  Bugs include being able to move after falling into a pit or lake, and infinite lives.  Perhaps someone was playing with the code trying to fix a minor bug and ended up breaking other things?  The fact that the player has infinite lives and infinite time leads me to believe this prototype was made for debugging something.  If anyone has more information on this prototype, please let me know.


Prototype Differences
The time chages to 20:59 at the start.  Once the time reaches 20:00 it resets to 20:59 again.

When Harry falls into a pit or lake, he can continue to move until the death jingle is finished playing.  This will make him appear in the bottom tunnel area.

If the player holds the joystick in a direction while the death jingle is playing, the sound will freeze on that note until the player releases the joystick.  Then the jingle will start over.


Well now this isn't right...


Works on lakes too!


As long as I hold the joystick in a direction I won't die





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