S.A.C. Alert (?-??-83)
This is the PAL version of S.A.C. Alert. This version is
very similar to the NTSC version that turned up a few years ago,
but has the addition of a title screen with a nice rendition of
the Air Force song playing while the Amiga logo flashes. If
you switch to the sea variation the title screen will play the
Navy song (Anchors Aweigh). This is a super nice touch, but
you can't start the game until each song finishes which gets
annoying after a while.
Interestingly, although this prototype has had its
scanlines adjusted for PAL, the colors themselves haven't been
changed. This means that if one plays this prototype on an
NTSC machine the colors will be correct but the screen will roll
and if one plays this on a PAL machine the screen won't scroll
but the colors will be wrong. The reason for this is
unclear, but most likely this prototype was made to test the
scanline adjustment before the colors were corrected.

The new title screen is nice

The rest of the game looks the same
NTSC colors in a PAL prototype?
This is what it looks like on a PAL system
to S.A.C. Alert