Smurf: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle
Smurf: Rescue in Gargamel's
Company: |
Model #:
2465 |
Todd Marshall, Robin
McDaniel, and Henry Will (Wickstead Design) |
Year: |
1982 |
The first game
in the Smurfs series
Created by Belgian cartoonist Peyo (Pierre Culliford) in 1958,
the Smurfs are little blue creatures (said to be three apples
high) who live in the Smurf village hidden deep in a
forest. The Smurfs main enemy throughout the series is a
failed sorcerer by the name of Garamel. Usually Gargamel's
goal was to find the Smurf village so he capture
every last Smurf in order to make a potion that turns lead into
gold. Sometimes however Gargamel's motive for finding the
Smurfs was so he could eat them (how many would you have to eat
to make a meal?) or just to destroy them out of sheer
hatred. Gargamel was a complicated man...

Regardless of his motives, in Smurf: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle
(henceforth to be known as RIGC) Gargamel has captured Smurfette
and hidden her away in his Castle (more of a hovel to be honest,
but lets not nitpick) and it's up to you, Generic Smurf, to rescue
her. The journey to Gargamel's castle won't be easy though
as you must travel through several screens full of hostile enemies
such as hawks, spiders, and fences (evil fences...) in order to
make it the castle and rescue what can only assume is every Smurfs
true love (did I mention there's only one female Smurf who isn't a

The controls in Smurf: RIGC are pretty straight forward.
Your Smurf can move left and right with the joystick and jump by
pressing up (the fire button oddly has no function). Your
Smurf can also do a super jump by pressing up twice in a
row. This super jump is usually what is needed to cross the
various obstacles your will encounter while the single jump is
good for avoiding enemies. Learning which kind of jump to do
and when is the secret to getting anywhere in Smurf. Your
Smurf must also deal with a pesky energy timer which can become
quite a problem at the higher difficulty levels where progress is
slowed by fast moving enemies which must be constantly avoided.

You start the game out in Smurf Village where you
must jump over stationary fences and swooping hawks in order to
proceed. After the village you will come to a river with
snakes to avoid (these snakes can cross the river just fine so
watch out), then it's onto the mountain (which looks like a series
of steps) with more hawks to contend with. After the
mountains your Smurf will have to trek through some caves filled
with spiders until he comes across yet another series of
rivers. Eventually your Smurf will reach Gargamel's castle
where he must dodge bats while jumping on chairs and tables to
rescue Smurfette. After reaching Smurfette the game will
start over at a higher difficulty.

Smurf: RIGC is a fun little action game that was
marketed towards children but was probably played more by older
kids and adults as the game can be quite tough for kids even at
the lower levels. While people are probably most familiar
with the visually impressive Colecovision port, the Atari 2600
port is actually pretty nice for the hardware it's running
on. Even the slightly off key version of Shaker Melody
(Simple Gifts) that plays throughout the game is kind of
endearing. Unfortunately RIGC would be the first and only
action game in the Smurfs series. All other Smurf games
would be educational or non-game in nature. It's unknown why
Coleco didn't do another action game, but the other games in the
series were not as successful.
Version |
Cart Text |
Description |
?/??/82 |
Mid-Level WIP
to 2600 Software