Snow White 2/9/83

This appears to be a completely different version of Snow
White than the one Greg Easter originally designed. While
this version shares some similarity with the earlier version, it
is a much simpler (and more incomplete) game.

This version starts out with a nice animation of Snow White
going into the dwarves cottage, after which the wicked witch
appears disguised as an old woman. The player must then
press the select button to start the game (pressing select again
any time during the game will pause/unpause it). Like the
first version, the screen is separated into two areas: The
'Witch Timer' at the top of the screen, and the play area at the

The Witch Timer works the same way as it does in the
first version, each time the dwarf hits an obstacle the witch
moves closer to the cottage. If you hit too many
obstacles, the witch will reach the cottage and the game will
end (the screen flashes and most of the graphics disappear).

The gameplay in this prototype is very similar to the
Mine Level from the first version. Here the player
controls a dwarf that must collect diamonds while avoiding
various obstacle the slowly scroll up from the bottom of the
screen. The diamonds are represented as small dots that
appear at random intervals on the sides of the screen. If
the player collects a diamond, the diamond counter will decrease
by one. However if the player misses a diamond it will
count as a hit, but the diamond counter will still decrease (an
obvious bug). Collecting all ten diamonds
does not appear to do anything in this prototype.

The controls are fairly straight forward. Aside
from pressing left or right to move the dwarf and avoid
obstacles, the player can press down to increase the dwarfs
speed (making everything scroll faster) and press up to jump.
Jumping appears to only be of use in collecting diamonds
(press up when they're slightly above you), and does not allow
the player to jump over obstacles.

Occasionally while wandering around the mine a ladder
will appear. If the player touches the ladder, the dwarf
will climb up and be taken to the second level. This level
is similar to first, except the screen scrolls downwards instead
of upwards. There do not appear to be any diamonds to
collect on this level, and the obstacles occasionally turn black
as they come towards the player (notice the boulders).
This level does not appear end and there
does not appear to be a way to get back to the first level.

Although this version is dated later than the first
version that was found, it appears to be far more incomplete
(lacking sound and an ending). As a result this prototype
has a 'less refined' feeling and is not as much to play.
One has to wonder why Atari decided to abandon the first
version of the game which was shaping up into rather a nice
game. It is unknown if programmer Greg Easter had anything
to do with this version, but due to the similarities between the
two, it is highly likely.

to Snow White