Star Trek
Star Trek: Stategic Operations Simulator |
Company: |
Sega |
Model #:
004-01 |
Jeff Lorenz |
Year: |
1983 |
Port of the 1982 Sega coin-op |
Often referred to simply as "Star Trek", "Star Trek: Strategic Operations
Simulation" is an action/strategy game loosely based on the Star Trek
series. Since Paramount Studios owned Sega at that time, it was
only natural that they would be granted the use of the Star Trek name
(Atari was forced to settle for Star Wars). Sega planned several
video games based off of other successful Paramount movies, but only Star
Trek saw the light of day.

Taking a vector arcade game with complex controls like Star Trek and
porting it to the 2600 proved to be quite a challenge. Since there was
no possible way to vector graphics on the 2600, Sega was forced to use
raster graphics instead. Unlike most vector to raster conversions,
many fans felt that using raster graphics actually improved the game.
The next challenge for Sega was taking a four button and rotary
knob control scheme and making it work on a one-button joystick. Pushing
left and right turned the ship (mimicking the rotary knob), pulling back
fired photon torpedoes, pushing forward activated impulse drive, forward
and the button activated warp drive, and simply pushing the button fired
the phasers. The resulting control scheme was so complex that Sega
had to include a joystick overlay to help players, although the controls
quickly became second nature after a playing the game a few times.

Your basic goal is to move from sector to sector wiping
out Klingons while touching as many star bases as possible. The
third sector of each level is an asteroid or comet field, which you must
carefully negotiate while touching star bases. This sector is a
bonus round of sorts since there are no enemies and touching the star
bases increases your power levels. After five sectors you come face
to face with the deadly probe known as NOMAD, you must shoot NOMAD while
avoiding the explosive mines it lays around the screen. After destroying
NOMAD you move to the next level, which looks the same but the enemies
move faster.

Star Trek is a fun game for short periods of time, but
the excitement wears off after a few levels. Eventually the game
becomes an exercise in frustration as the Klingons become too fast to
avoid. Still, Star Trek is good for a quick burst of fast paced
Version |
Cart Text |
Description |
?????? |
Star Trek |
Final Version |
to 2600 Software