Suicide Mission 2-10-82

This is the original version of Suicide Mission called Meteoroid.  Meteoroid plays pretty much the same as Suicide Mission but the graphics are much closer to Asteroids.   Meteroid also has a warp option (with a sound stolen directly from Atari's Air-Sea Battle) that was taken out of Suicide Mission in an attempt to differentiate it further.

The prototype itself is labeled Beta 23 but the build date is 2-10-82.

Prototype Differences
There is no title screen

The graphics are similar to Asteroids.  The Viral Colony is a large asteroid, the Sub Colony a medium sized asteroid, Creepy Crawling Virus a small asteroid, and Deadly Little Virus a saucer.

The level colors are in a different order
The music is higher pitched
The music speeds up when there are fewer asteroids on screen
Overheating your screens doesn't take out all the asteroids on screen
The thruster sound is different
There are four different variations instead of three difficulty levels.  Variations one and two feature shields (screens) while variations 3 and 4 feature warp.
The number of players/variation is shown in the center of the screen instead of underneath the status bar
The number of players/variation number is shown as '(1-2) Player Game (1-4)' instead of showing a second score for player two and the difficulty level
No high score is shown on the game select screen
Extra lives are earned at 10,000 points rather than 20,000

It's Vector Asteroids!


Not an exciting title screen...


What did they have against black backgrounds?

Using my warp!


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