Battlezone |
Company: |
Atari |
Model #:
CX-5239 |
Unknown |
Year: |
1983 |
Scheduled to be
released November 1983 |
Port of the Atari coin-op, Battlezone was an instant hit upon
its release in the arcades in 1980. Not only was
Battlezone one of the first successful vector graphic games, but
also one of the first true 3-D games. When Atari decided
to port Battlezone to its home consoles they went two different
routes based on the capabilities of the hardware. For the
2600 they decided to make everything as standard raster
graphics, but for the 5200 they tried going with mostly vector
graphics. Was this the correct decision? Read on to
find out.

One of the first things you'll undoubtedly notice is that the
cool vector mountain range in the background has been replaced
with some solid blue mountains. This was probably due to the
limitations of the 5200 hardware, as the 5200 didn't possess the
Math Box the arcade game did which allowed for all those high
speed calculations (although they did use the same CPU
otherwise). In the end this isn't a big loss and the solid
mountains work just fine, but the famous erupting volcano is
missing. Unfortunately one of the issues with the 5200 not
having a powerful co-processor for doing all that vector math is
that instead of the objects on the screen slowly scaling (growing
larger or smaller) to simulate movement, they seem to just jump
from one size to the next. This tends to give the game a
very choppy feeling, but is still impressive for the hardware.

If there's one area where the 5200 port of
Battlezone falls down it's the collision detection. For some
reason your shots don't seem to hit the enemy tank as often as
they should. This could be due to a error in the collision
detection code or be caused by the afore mentioned scaling
problem. There have been times when the player is nose to
nose with a enemy tank and had the shots go right through it and
drift off to the left or right. And while you may have a
devil of a time hitting the enemy, they don't seem to have any
problem hitting you. Assuming your shot actually hits the
enemy, you're treated to nice explosion of parts, which is a
surprising since most home versions tend to leave out little bits
of eye candy like this. Although tanks can consistently be
destroyed with some practice, the flying saucer is very difficult
to hit in this version. And while the flying saucer was rare
to see in the arcade, it seems to appear much more often in this
version. If you actually manage to score a hit on it,
it will simply fade away with a weird 'bong' sound.

Collision detection problems aside, the sounds and
graphics are top notch. The sounds appear to be all there
(including a neat little sound when you run into an obstacle),
although seem to be a little sparse but that's how they were in
the arcade game as well. The graphics are nice vectors,
which other than the scaling problems, seem to mirror the arcade
fairly well. One thing that you'll notice though is that you
can see some glitches in the vector shapes on the screen when you
force them to scale at a rapid rate. This is probably a
result of the 5200 pushing too many vectors at once. One
minor gripe is that when you get shot your screen doesn't crack
down the middle like it does in the arcade, instead you're treated
to a weird little star burst pattern that has a line connecting
them. While it's interesting to see the computer draw them
(it draws one star burst, sends out a line then draws another,
sends out a line, etc.) it's nothing like the arcade.
There's really no reason for this to have been changed.
Perhaps the programmer thought it was more interesting than a
simple crack?

One interesting option that the 5200 version of
Battlezone offers is the ability of using two joysticks to
simulate the 'tank controls' from the arcade version.
Although it can be difficult to get used it, using dual
joysticks really improves the feel of the game dramatically.
It was long assumed that Battlezone would have been packaged
in an oversized box with a joystick coupler in the same way Space
Dungeon and Robotron: 2084 were, but a picture of the prototype
box seen in the movie Cloak & Dagger has shown that it was
actually a regular sized box. Of course this box was most
likely just a prop and not a real retail box.

Overall Battlezone shows promise but it still needs
some minor gameplay tweaking. It's unknown if the only known
version of Battlezone to surface was considered by Atari to be
complete or not. However since Battlezone was scheduled for
a November release and this version is dated late September, Atari
probably considered it done. It's unknown why Battlezone was
ultimately scrapped, but one theory is that it was sent back for
some polishing (missing the November deadline) and then dropped
from the schedule due to the video game crash.
Interestingly, when Atari decided to release Battlezone for the
Atari XE in 1987 they decided to commission a completely new
version of the game rather than release the 5200 version.
Version |
Cart Text |
Description |
9/15/83 |
Battlezone Cartridge
Complete? |
to 5200 Software