Diagnostic Cart Version 1.1


This is diagnostic cart version 1.1.  1.1 was the first version of the 5200 Diagnostic cart that Atari released and contains 10 different tests.  Notice how the labels say SALT 1.1 PAM?  SALT stands for Stand ALone Test and PAM was the code name for the Atari 5200.


Any Video - This is some sort of video test
Color Bars - Displays a series of colored bars
Grey Bars - Displays a series of grey bars
Port Test - Tests the joystick ports. This test requires a loopback serial board.
Pokey Adjust - Calibrates the joysticks and tests joystick buttons
Tone Test - Tests the four sound registers
RAM Test - Tests the 5200's RAM
Verify OS ROM - Tests the 5200's OS ROM
Display Options - Switches between Pass/Fail or Error Display mode when testing
Examin - Examines the contents of a specific register



What does CTE stand for?


Ten options of diagnostic goodness


Any Video

Color Bars

Grey Bars

Port Test

Pokey Adjust

Tone Test

RAM Test

Verify OS Rom

Display Options

Examine Register


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