James Bond 007
James Bond 007
Company: |
Parker Brothers
Model #:
9100 |
Jack Verson
Year: |
1984 |
A completely
different version was planned but unreleased
Based on four then current James Bond movies (Diamonds are
Forever, The Spy Who Loved Me, Moonraker, and For Your Eyes
Only), James Bond 007 is at its heart an average side scrolling
action game that plays a bit like a cross between Moon Patrol
and Super Cobra. Unfortunately the James Bond synergy
isn't particularly strong and feels like it was grafted onto a
completely unrelated game. This is probably because James
spends all his time in his vehicle so we never actually control
the man himself.

James Bond originally started life on the 2600 as
James Bond as Seen in Octopussy (the most current James Bond
Movie). This version of the game would have
been based on the sequence from the movie where James fought
off assassins on a moving train. James would have to
shoot at and dodge bullets from two armed assassins (Mischka
and Grischka) as they ran around on a train
cart. James Bond in Octopussy was seen by more than one
person at various game shows and was advertised in at least
one PB catalog. Why this version was ultimately dropped
is unknown, but it may not have playtested well.

While the Octopussy version was still being
playtested and refined, Parker Brothers decided that they wanted a
parallax scrolling James Bond game as well so they tapped Joe
Gaucher of On-time software to design and develop it (Joe only did
the programming for the Atari 2600 version). This version
has four different levels loosely based on four different James
Bond movies (but not Octopussy oddly enough), but due to technical
limitations they all play pretty much the same with small
variations. The main goal of each scenario is to jump over
dangerous terrain while shooting enemies until you either reach
your ultimate target. This is easier said than done however
as the this game is brutally hard even on the lowest difficulty

James has both an upward shooting bullet, and a
bomb that falls down in an arc (both are lunched with the same
button) which are shot in an alternating fashion. After
selecting your difficulty level (either Novice or Agent), James
will get in his hybrid car/sub vehicle and drive off to the first
scenario with a really nice rendition of the James Bond theme
playing. It's interesting to note that the order of the
scenario's in the final version is different than in all the
prototype versions. In the released version they seem to go
in order of increasing difficulty, but in the prototypes the order
makes the difficulty very uneven. I have no explanation for
this as the difficulty level of each scenario seems to have been
determined far in advance and wasn't a last minute tweak.
Speaking of scenarios, let's take a look at first stop in James
itinerary: Diamonds Are Forever.

In the Diamonds Are Forever scenario, James must
start his adventure by travelling through a crater filled desert
area. James must jump his vehicle over these large craters
which are being created by satellites overhead. These
satellites are indestructible, so all you can do is try and avoid
them as you avoid their blasts. Later in the level the
craters will all fill with water which means that James can jump
into them safely, as long as he jumps out before hitting the
edge. You can also shoot the diamonds floating overhead for
points, but it's best to ignore them as James already has his
hands full. After a while you'll move onto the ocean section
of this scenario. The ocean section is pretty similar to the
desert except that the vehicle can now dive a short distance
before bobbing up to the surface. This is handy as there are
now frogmen shooting bullets at you which must be defeated in
addition to the satellites which are still firing on you (although
they don't make craters now). Eventually you'll come upon
your final destination the invisible oil rig where Tiffany Case is
being held. Did I say invisible? Yep, that's
right. The oil rig is completely invisible except for when
it's illuminated by the flash made by shooting a diamond.
James must not only shoot diamonds until he sees the rig, but must
also jump up and over the derrick and land on the helicopter
pad. If you miss your shot (and you will), Then you must
keep going through the level and wait for the rig to show up
again. If you do manage to land in the right spot you'll be
taken to the next scenario.

In The Spy Who Loved Me, the action starts in the
ocean again but things are a bit different. Instead of
dodging killer satellites and frogmen, James must watch out for
missiles that fire up from the ocean floor (looking like they came
right out of Super Cobra). Once these missiles reach the
middle of the screen they turn into 'mushroom mines' which fall
back down and float on the surface (do I even have to mention that
they're deadly?). After a few moments of dealing with this,
James will come to a oil tanker which will launch helicopters at
him. James must dive under the tanker so he doesn't crash
into it (easier said than done) and avoid the helicopter's bombs
until it gives up and goes away. The bombs can be avoided by
diving under the water, but make sure you don't hit a missile as
you're trying this. After some more time James will come
across the undersea base of Stromberg which he must bomb.
Doing this will release a capsule containing one Anya Amasova,
whom you must save. Doing so will end this scenario.

In Moonraker (a.k.a. James Bond in Space), James
must shoot down the poison spewing satellites of Hugo Drax.
This scenario is similar to The Spy Who Loved Me, but features
deadly space shuttles instead of helicopters. Apparently
Hugo has developed space shuttles that launch from the ocean floor
and explode once they reach the middle of the screen (much like
the mushroom mine missiles). When these shuttles explode
(this was pre-Challenger remember), James must be under the water
or he'll be wiped out. Oh and there are also mini subs which
roam the water but they're not much of a threat. Beyond the
space shuttles the biggest obstacles are the mushroom mine
missiles and the shallow rocky terrain (no bottomless oceans
here). Unlike all the other scenarios where you must reach a
specific target, this one only ends once you shoot down all the
satellites. This scenario can either be the toughest or the
easiest depending on how good you are at shooting down the

The final scenario is For Your Eyes Only (only for
you...). Being the last scenario, For Your Eyes Only is
naturally the toughest and combines all the elements of the
previous scenarios. Not only must James deal with jumping
treacherous terrain, but must also avoid mushroom mine missiles,
frogmen, helicopters, and mini subs. Oh and did I mention
that they're all invisible except for when a bomb explodes?
If James is able to survive this onslaught he'll eventually come
to the sunken fishing trawler which contains the radio equipment
that must be retrieved. To do this James must carefully
maneuver his vehicle onto the center of the trawler and not hit
any of the side or it's certain death. Once you've retrieved
the radio equipment James can finally take a well deserved rest
and you'll receive a ranking depending on how well you've done
(from 000 to 007).

While James Bond 007 isn't a bad game, it's one
that's too hard for it's own good. Some times the terrain
and enemies will combine to make unavoidable deaths which is never
any fun. Couple this with some brutally difficult 'jump on
the invisible platform' scenarios and you've got a game that's
more frustrating than fun. The variety in the scenarios is
nice, but they're all basically the same at heart (which really
can't be helped with the limited ROM space of the day). The
5200's analog controllers certainly don't help matters when it
comes to making pin point jumps, so James Bond best played on the
400/800 instead. If you're willing to put some time into
memorizing patterns and making a few leaps of faith, James Bond
007 can be a fun, if frustrating, game.
Version |
Cart Text |
Description |
?/??/84 |
Mid-level WIP
to 5200 Software