This prototype is fairly close to the final version but still
has some small differences. Most notably the reserve lives
icons face right instead of left like they do in the final.
The player can also move right away when re-materializing after
dying. These two changes were actually in the Atari 400/800
port which may mean that that port is actually based on a late
prototype instead of the final 5200 version. This version is
also missing the Williams copyright on the title screen.
There is also a small bug in this version that causes the player
to constantly move to the right if the player pushes left.
If the player pushes right first the bug will not trigger.
The game will eventually stop constantly moving the player right
after inputting a few more movements.
Williams copyright on the title screen is missing
The reserve lives
icons face right instead of left
The player can move as soon as they start
re-materializing after dying. In the final version
the player has to push the fie button to cut the
animation short.
There is a bug which causes to player to
constantly move right if they push left at the start of
the game. The bug will eventually correct itself
with enough movement.