Pengo 8-10-83
This version is almost complete, and is only needs a little fine tuning.
Prototype Differences
The # and 0 in front of the Number of Players and
Difficulty Level are missing. |
After the game over screen appears the title screen
won't display until you press # or 0. |
The title screen is a slightly darker shade of blue. |
The start-up sound on the title screen is missing. |
The Snowbee color pattern for each level is different.
In the prototype it goes: Orange, Dark Red, Light Green, Dark
Green, Orange. In the released version it goes: Orange, Pink,
Green, Light Purple, then back to Orange. |

The blue is darker and the 0 and # are still

Here's the title screen from 7/23/83 for

Looks like they fixed the animation bug

Purple Snobees? This neighborhood is
going downhill...
to Pengo