Rescue on Fractalus
Rescue on Fractalus
Company: |
Atari |
Model #:
CX-5254 |
David Fox, Loren Carpenter,
Charlie Kellner, Peter Langston, Gary Winnick, and David
Levine |
Year: |
1984 |
Prototype names
include: Star Mission, Rescue Mission, and Behind Jaggi
Lines |
In late 1983 as the 5200 was entering its final stage of life,
LucasFilm (yes that LucasFilm) decided they wanted to take a
shot at the videogame market. Although LucasFilm was a
huge and successful company, they didn't have clue one on how to
go about entering the highly competitive videogame market.
So instead of floundering around like an amateur,
LucasFilm wisely joined forces with Atari to publish its games.
Unfortunately this partnership was to be short lived as
their first two 5200 games, Ballblazer and Rescue on Fractalus,
would be their last. However LucasFilm went on to publish
several more games for the Atari 8-bit computer line under their
own name.

To celebrate this historic partnership, Atari and
Lucasfilm held a joint press conference on May 8th, 1984 to show
off Ballblazer and Rescue on Fractalus. Instead of issuing
the standard press passes, Atari and Lucasfilm sent attendees a
special 5200 cartridge with a black label that they were to use as
their pass. Very few of these passes are known to exist
Rescue on Fractalus remains to this day the most
innovative 5200 games ever developed. One part flight sim,
one part space shooter (add a pinch of Star Raiders and mix well),
RoF is a fast paced action game with a healthy dose of strategy
thrown in. Upon its release Rescue on Fractalus was
immediately praised not only for its addictive gameplay, but also
for its use of fractal geometry.

So what the heck are fractals you ask? Well
since you asked.
A geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller
scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be
represented by classical geometry. Fractals are used especially
in computer modeling of irregular patterns and structures in
In other words a series of geometric patterns that
make irregular shapes. Now where would fractals come in
handy? How about to make jagged mountains? Yes that
right, a very simple fractal algorithm was used to generate the
mountainous terrain that makes up the planet of Fractalus.
Even a very simple fractal generator takes up an enormous
amount of resources, and since the largest 5200 games were only
24K (although they could go as large as 32K) there was very little
memory left to work with. It's amazing that they were able
to generate any fractals, much less the impressive scaling
mountain range present in the game.

Your mission is to journey down to the planet of
Fractalus (gee where did they come up with that name?) and rescue
all the stranded pilots . Of course as you may have guessed
the game isn't that easy. Fractalus just happens to be the
stronghold of a evil race of aliens called the Jaggi, who want you
dead in the worst possible way (why is it that you never find a
friendly race of aliens in these games?). The Jaggi have
place gun encampments all over the planets surface, so it's up to
you to take them out before saving the pilots. Rescuing the
pilots doesn't do any good if you're blown out of the sky upon
take off. Take out the gun encampments by targeting them in
the crosshairs and pressing the fire button. The trick to
targeting the encampments is to watch where the flashes of light
are coming from and shoot there.

Luckily for you the downed pilots have activated
their homing beacons. These beacon signals allow you to
track down where each pilot is located using the long-range
scanner on the right hand side of your control panel (It's labeled
LR in case you can't figure out which one it is!). As you
fly near a stranded pilot a blip will appear on the scanner, this
is your cue to start scanning the area for the downed ship.
The scanner is in a V shape with your ship positioned at the
bottom of the V, so take this into account when searching for
pilots. Once you get close enough to the pilot the scanner
will start flashing and beeping signaling that you should land and
pick the pilot up.

Rescuing the pilot is as easy as 1-2-3
(literally). To make your rescue press the '1' key on the
keypad and you should see your ship land. Once you're on the
ground press the '2' key to turn off your engines and shields (you
don't want to fry the guy), if you're in the right sport you
should see the message "Pilot in Range". After a few seconds
you will hear footsteps approach, this is the moment of
truth. For you see not everything is as it seems.
Those insidious Jaggi's have sent their own "rescue teams"
to go kill the downed pilots, steal their flight suits, and pose
as stranded pilots. Since all your computer sees is a homing
beacon signal, there's no way of knowing who is approaching your
ship. If you've landed near a Jaggi pilot a hideous alien
will jump up and start banging on your windshield attempting to
break in and wring your neck (I told you they hate you). To
protect yourself, quickly press the '2' key to turn on your
shields and fry the little bugger (if you haven't suffered a heart
attack from the shock).

Now if you were overly trusting and decided to
open your airlock BEFORE seeing exactly who was approaching your
ship, the Jaggi will come inside your ship and start tearing it
up. If this happens your only chance is to hit the thrusters
and try and make it into space before the Jaggi kills you (they
don't have any helmets to survive in space). However if
you've landed near a human pilot you'll hear knocking on the door
(Jaggi's don't knock), so press the '3' key to open up the airlock
and let him in. Once he's safely inside make sure you
destroy the downed ship otherwise Jaggi's will use it to spring
their evil traps. Press '6' to take off again and go search
for more pilots..

This would probably be a good time to explain
exactly what all those little gauges are on your control panel.
On the left are two columns of lights. The first one
is your thrust level (adjusted with the '6' and '9' key), and the
second is your Dangerous Altitude warning which lights up more and
more the closer you are to hitting the ground. The circular
gauge labeled AH is your Artificial Horizon which helps you keep
the ship level (don't fly upside down!), and to the right of that
is your altimeter which tells you how high you're flying (no not
THAT kind of high!). The big display in the middle of the
control panel is your Targeting Scope (go blast those Jaggi's!),
and the lights underneath it represent the Enemy Lock On
indicator. When all six of those lights light up the gun
encampments will fire on you, so try and move around a bit to
break the lock.

Above the Targeting Scope is the Wing Balance
indicator. This gauge shows how close each of your wings are
to the mountains (so you don't bang into them!). To the
right of the Targeting Scope is your Energy Indicator, when this
gets low it will beep and start to flash warning you to get back
to the mother ship for refueling pronto! To the right of the
Energy Indicator is the Long Range Radar (explained above) and the
counting gauges. These gauges show various statistics such
as the pilot's range from the ship (the top gauge), number of
Jaggi guns destroyed (middle gauge), and the number of pilots left
to rescue (bottom gauge). Above these gauges are three
lights which indicate whether your shields are up (first light),
if the mother ship is in range (middle light), and if your airlock
is open (third light). Got all that?

Once you've rescued at least half of your quota of
pilots the mother ship will appear in orbit. By pressing the
'7' key you can fire your boosters and return to the mother ship
for repairs and fuel. However until you fill your quota of
rescued pilots you cannot finish the level and will be returned to
the planet. If your ship is low on fuel or taking a lot of
fire the mother ship may show up even without half the pilots
being rescued. Once you've completed your quota and returned
to the mother ship you will be rewarded bonus points based on the
number of pilots rescued then advance to the next level.
Starting on level four you will begin to encounter suicide
saucers which will attempt to ram your ship. Thankfully
these saucers can be taken down with torpedoes, but they're still
very dangerous so use caution. On level 16 and above you'll
begin to fly night missions. During these missions your
screen will be completely black except for brief bursts of light
from firing Jaggi guns. You'll have to use your instruments
and wits alone to get through these missions in one piece.
Thankfully the night only lasts four minutes (game time),
but the sun will set again after an additional four minutes.

Originally Rescue on Fractalus was conceived a
non-violent game rather than a shooter. During its
prototyping phase (when the game was still known as Rescue
Mission) your the ship had no guns, the only way to destroy the
enemy was to lure them into the mountains (not an easy thing to
do). In the summer of 83 when the first working build
was shown to George Lucas he commented that he liked the game a
lot, but wanted to know where the fire button was. After
this meeting guns were added to the ship and a classic was
born. Incidentally, in case your wondering where the name
"Jaggi" comes from, it's actually a reference to a then new
graphic technology called "anti-aliasing" (perhaps you've heard of
it?). This technology used extra colors to smooth out the
jagged diagonal graphics that plagued all computer games back then
including Rescue of Fractalus (just look at the cockpit for a good
example). Since there weren't enough colors on the Atari
5200 to use this technology the programmers declared that the
"Jaggie" lines were their enemy and hence the Jaggi's were born.
Rescue on Fractalus was almost released with the name
"Behind Jaggi Lines", but Atari marketing nixed the idea since
they feared that normal people wouldn't get the joke. A few
prototypes with this name still exist.

With its innovative use of fractal geometry and
fun addictive gameplay, Rescue on Fractalus is considered to by
most to be the best 5200 games of all time. No other 5200
game comes close to pushing the system the way Rescue on Fractalus
does. Unfortunately one of the side effects of pushing the
system to its limits is that the framerate is a bit choppy, but
considering the hardware was made in 1979 I think we can cut the
game a little slack. Rescue on Fractalus is a game that
belongs in every 5200 owners library, the fractal mountains alone
are worth the price of admission. So what are you waiting
for? Go blast those Jaggi's!
Version |
Cart Text |
Description |
1/18/84 |
Behind Jaggi 1-18-184 |
Late beta |
2/13/84 |
Behind Jaggi Line |
Almost complete |
2/29/84 |
ROF 2-29-84 |
Has title on splash screen |
?/??/84 |
Rescue on Fractalus |
Final version |
?/??/84 |
Rescue on Fractalus |
Final version (Lucasfilm Label)
to 5200 Software