The voice is closer to the final version
but still different
There is no voice on/off option on the title screen. |
There is no opening tune, instead the voice says
"Play Ball" as the players walk out
There is no "Charge" tune |
The sound of the ball will hang on the
last note when a Home Run is scored
There is an odd static sound instead
of cheering noise |
The voice will sometimes simply say
"Strike" instead of "Strike One/Two/Three"
The voice will sometimes simply say "Ball" instead of
"Ball One/Two/Three" |
The voice says "Strike" instead of "Foul
Ball". |
The voice will sometimes put a different
emphasis on the word "Strike" making it sound like
The voice says "Run Scores" when scoring a run
instead of the crowd cheering |
The voice says "Time Out" when pausing and "Play
Ball" when unpausing |
The screen says OUT instead of STRIKEOUT when a
player strikes out |
The game plays faster, but still isn't at
full speed |
The hidden credits are colored
differently. |