Super Pac-Man ?-??-84
This is the final version of Super Pac-Man. The only
differences between this version and the version dated March 15th
is the addition of instructions that scroll across the bottom of
the title screen, and a hidden easter egg.
This version was compiled from code found on a Vax mainframe
tape. The easter egg had to be enabled at the time of
compilation in order to be triggered. In order to trigger
the easter egg the player must complete a level and push * or #
when the screen is flashing yellow to get back to the title screen
(reset will not work). If done correctly (the timing is
tricky) the message "4 A Good Time JSR 91BD" will appear in the
scrolling instructions area. JSR means 'Jump to Subroutine'
in assembly with 91BD being the address of the code being jumped
to. Originally Landon was going to have some code hidden at
memory location 91BD to do a fancy screen trick, but ran out of
time to implement it so this is all you'll get to see.

Notice the scrolling instructions
The Easter Egg

Why Pac-Man, what a big mouth you

White Castles!
to Super Pac-Man