Super Pac-Man
Super Pac-Man |

Company: |
Atari |
Model #:
Unknown |
Landon Dyer (Programmer), Gary Johnson
(Graphics), & Brad Fuller (Audio) |
Year: |
1984 |
Based on the 1982
Bally Midway Coin-op |
Based on the 1982 arcade game of the same name, Super Pac-Man
has always been considered to be the red-headed stepchild of the
Pac-Man family. This is because Super Pac-Man's gameplay
is a bit different from the other Pac-Man titles, and doesn't
appeal to all tastes (mostly Pac-Man purists). However
those who give Super Pac-Man a chance to prove itself will find
it one of the better games in the Pac-Man library.

The first and most notable difference is the fact
that you're not after dots as in other Pac-Man games.
Instead Super Pac has decided to go the healthy route and
munch on fruits and veggies instead (and the occasional donut).
Thankfully these goodies are quite a bit bigger than your
average dot, so there are less of them to munch. In addition
to fruits and veggies, Super Pac can also munch keys which are
scattered throughout the board. These keys aren't only tasty
(mmm... metal....) but can also open doors. This is a good
thing considering many of the goodies are hidden behind these
locked doors.

At this point you're probably wondering what makes
Pac-Man so super in this game. The answer is hidden in those
large power pellets in the middle of the screen. For it is
these super power pellets that allow boring old regular Pac-Man to
become Super Pac-Man: Killer of men, destroyer of worlds! (ok so I
made that part up). But what Super Pac-Man may lack in cool
super powers (super strength, x-ray vision, invisibility, etc.) he
makes up for with his super size, speed, and razor sharp mouth.

Once you become Super Pac-Man the gameplay changes
dramatically. Not only are you invincible (you can fly over
ghost monsters unless you've eaten a regular power pellet), but
you can chew through those annoying doors that get in your way.
You can also move at super speed by pressing the fire
button, and this is quite handy given that you only have a limited
amount of time before you revert back into regular Pac-Man
Wise use of Super Pac-Man's super speed can make clearing
the boards a breeze.

As in all the Pac-Man games, to successful clear a
board you must eat all the fruits/veggies, power pellets, and grab
all the keys. However instead of the bonus items bouncing
around the board, Super Pac-Man adds a slight twist to the
original bonus formula. This time around Pac-Man is a
gambling man and with a little luck you can help him score some
big bonus points. After clearing approximately half of the
screen a bonus item will appear between two changing symbols, and
if Pac-Man grabs the item while the symbols match he'll score big
points. However the bonus items will only remain on the
screen for a limited amount of time so you'll have to be quick to
cash in on Super Pac's gambling addiction. Every few rounds
Super Pac-Man is given another chance to earn big points with a
fast Pace bonus round. During these rounds you have a few
seconds to clear the entire screen, but this time there are no
ghost monsters to deal with and your Super Pac-Man time is

Amazingly the Atari 5200 is able to reproduce the
arcade version brilliantly. Everything from the screen ratio
to the intermissions are arcade perfect. The only minor
problems are with the slightly washed out colors and some touchy
control issues (which is to be expected with the 5200 controller).
According to Landon there may is a rare bug in the early
prototype involving the keys and doors (all the doors may not
open), but I have yet to encounter this problem.

Due to the rampant piracy and leaked prototypes
that plagued Atari 8-bit games, Landon Dyer cleverly added copy
protection to his code. If someone attempted to copy his
code and modify it boot from a disk (which happened to several
8-bit prototypes), the game would not work. This was due to
the game checking the checksum of the EPROM and matching it to the
known correct value (something a disk hack wouldn't have).
Unfortunately this copy protection also prevented Super
Pac-Man from functioning properly on several well known
multi-carts that were sold in the late 90's. Landon also put
'switch' in the code that the compiler would read and make the
appropriate modifications for the target system (Atari 8-bit or
5200), so it is possible to take the same code and compile it for
either system instead of having to manually go through and make
the necessary changes. Landon was definitely ahead of his

So why was this spot on arcade conversion never
released? Well according to Landon, Atari was never really
hot on the title but since they had a license for it they decided
to make the game anyway. Super Pac-Man was essentially
complete and ready to ship when Atari was sold to the Tramiels.
The Tramiels saw that the game market was waning and killed
off almost all game development (including Super Pac-Man).
So once again the public was denied another great arcade
game (see Sinistar, Elevator Action, Crystal Castles, etc.).
Such was life under the Tramiels...
Version |
Cart Text |
Description |
1/26/84 |
Super Pac Man 1/26/84 |
Almost complete. Has the
key bug. |
3/15/84 |
Super Pac Man 3/15/84 |
Missing the scrolling
?/??/84 |
Final version |
to 5200 Software