Commando 4-29-88
Although no actual prototype for this version of Commando has been found, the source code for it was discovered on some old Atari disks. This prototype is nothing more than a gameplay demo that shows how everything would have worked when the game was finished.
In this demo the player can move left, right, and forward (but not backward), and shoot/throw grenades. Although there are enemy soldiers and buildings present, there so no collision detection so feel free to walk right through them. After advancing through several screens of scenery, the graphics start to look funny and are missing parts (cliffs with no grass for instance), there will also be large areas filled with nothing, and eventually the whole thing will reset.
The player/enemy graphics look very different in this version. Everyone looks as if they're wearing a veil or something to cover their face (desert warfare?). The background graphics are also missing, making everything look rather odd.
Oddly the player is controlled with the second player controller, not the first. It is unknown if this is intentional or not.

Notice how your face looks covered?

Pill boxes




to Commando