GATO 11/??/87
A long gap between revisions, but there was some significant work done.
A title screen was added (without the title), and the ships log
screen was also added. The buggy gauge selection on the periscope
screen has been fixed so you can now actually select the proper gauges
without overshooting them. The radar screen has been changed slightly
to add some new hardcoded blips and an island, but since you still cannot
move your sub this image never changes. The 'blow up' bug from the
earlier version has been removed, and the gauges now work much better
(the needle moves properly). Now there are ships to play with on
the periscope screen, and some nice accompanying animation (watch those
guns fire at you!). Oddly you can see the images of the island
and ships, even after you've dove under the water. This bug was
never fixed.
There is a hidden message in the rom code that says:
GATO, The Atari 7800 Version by Jack Sandberg, Sr. Software Engineer,
ibid inc., West Hartford, CT., Ver. 1.0 04/24/87 -- Security String
Do Not Remove"
The button debounce code is a bit buggy. You
must tap the button very quickly to change screens otherwise it
will cycle through them very fast.
You cannot move your ship
on the map screen |
The radar always screen
shows three enemies and an island |
The 'blow up' bug has been
fixed |

This means something...

A title screen! Without the title!

Nice graphics!

Underwater islands?