GATO 7/27/87
Now we're getting somewhere. The periscope screen is close to
being finalized (although you can still see the tube), and for the first
time you can select and manipulate the gauges. However the gauges
are still a bit buggy and the needle moves way too fast. The radar
screen is now somewhat functional and has a sweep that shows three enemy
ships, but these appear to be 'hardcoded' since you still cannot move
your sub anywhere. The radar screen also now shows the correct values
for Depth, Heading, and Speed and corresponds to the gauges on the periscope
screen (kinda). The map screen now shows flashing dots representing
enemy ships, but the white dot is missing. This version has a strange
bug (feature?) that causes the screen to turn red and the game to reset
if you pass 3 on the Depth gauge.
There is a hidden message in the rom code that says:
GATO, The Atari 7800 Version by Jack Sandberg, Sr. Software Engineer,
ibid inc., West Hartford, CT., Ver. 1.0 04/24/87 -- Security String
Do Not Remove"
There is no
title screen
There is no
ships log screen
There is no interaction
on any of the screens except the periscope screen
The button and movement debounce code is a
bit buggy. You must tap the button or joystick very quickly
to change screens or gauges otherwise it will cycle through them
very fast.
You can see the periscope
tube on the periscope screen |
You cannot move your ship
on the map screen |
The radar screen shows
three enemy ships |
The movement of the radar
sweep (arm) is very jerky |
The needles on the gauges
on the periscope screen have far less positions and move very quickly |
If you pass a depth of
3 the screen will turn red and all the gauges will reset (your sub
blows up) |
The Oxygen, Battery, and
Fuel meters deplete much faster |
There is no white dot on
the map screen |

Three ships lie in wait...

Look! Dots!


Radio, Radar, and Fuel Tanks are out of order!