Hat Trick 1-20-88
This is the final version. For some reason this prototype isn't
encrypted (notice the Not Enc. message on the label), so it won't play
in an unmodified 7800. There is a hidden message in the rom code
that says
Hatrick, The Atari 7800 Version, By Jack SandBerg, Sr. Software
Engineer, IEE 8107096, ibid inc., Manchester, Conn. 01/07/88 --- Security
String Do Not Remove"
Notice how the location of ibid changed from West Hartford to Manchester.
Also take note of the completion date (1/7/88). Why it took
2 extra weeks to get the game to Atari is anybodys guess.
One on One hockey action!
Wow! A whole 2 FPS!
He shoots! He... aww who cares?
Sadly the Zamboni is the best part of the
to Hat Trick