Toki ?-??-93
This is the only prototype for Toki known to exist.
The prototype identifies itself as Beta Two and is in PAL format
which isn't surprising given it was being developed so late in the
7800's lifespan (the 7800 was basically dead in the US at this
point). This prototype was found on a developers old hard
drive along with several prototypes for unreleased Lynx
games. While nearly complete, this version still has a few
glitches and unfinished items that keep it from being a complete
The title screen has no sound or music |
There is no music or sound in the ending |
There appears to be no way to exit the ending
screen |
Some of the bosses have graphical glitches in
their attacks |
There is some graphical garbage at the top of the
screen in the scrolling areas |
Some of bosses appear to be missing attacks such
as Bashtar |
The game is fully playable, but is definitely a
late beta rather than a finished game. This version also
had to cut down on some elements found in most other home
versions due to lack of memory. Gone are many of the
enemies, keys and gates, and several power ups like the jumping
shoes, extra time, and even bonus lives. Many of the
levels have also been stripped down and simplified to fit within
the limits of the cartridge space. But perhaps the biggest
missing thing is the entire final level! The Golden Palace
has been scrapped and so has the battle with Vookimedlo are
completely missing. This is most likely due to lack of
space rather than an unfinished game and it's worth noting that
some other home ports are also missing the last level.
These guys are so cute!
Jump on the enemies to reach the
power up
The swimming areas are lots of fun
Toki's large bosses are impressive
for the 7800
to Toki