Animated Puzzle ?-??-83


This is a late beta for Animated Puzzle that was found in an employee's directory on the Atari Coin-Op mainframe of all places.  While fully playable, this version is still missing some final finishing touches including some music and animation.  The Train puzzle is also completely different looking and was reworked for the final version.


Prototype Differences
The title screen says Copyright 1983, Atari instead of Copyright 1984 Atari, Inc.

The Solider and People puzzles have swapped places on the puzzle select screen

The Train puzzle looks completely different with different colors and graphics
The Solider puzzle has a blue background instead of gray
The People puzzle is missing its music.  Instead there is a robotic series of beeps
Upon completing a People puzzle the screen turns grayscale and then quickly fades out instead of shaking and showing the robot animation
After completing a puzzle the screen says 'Solved In' instead of 'Your Time' and does not show which puzzle you were working on.  This screen is also missing the 'Best Times' section.
The puzzle completion screen is always displayed on a black background and returns to the puzzle select screen after a few seconds instead of waiting for the player to press start
This prototype does not keep track of the best times for beating each puzzle



Different copyright


The Soldier and People puzzles have swapped places


After beating the People puzzle is turns gray and fades out


The winning screen summary is different too


The Train puzzle looks very different


Here's the final version for comparison



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