There's no Lucasfilm logo or intro
The title screen says Ballblaster instead of
Ballblazer |
The title logo is drawn in a slimmer font |
The text pages on the title screen
change faster
The copyright message says 'A Lucasfilm Ltd
Production Copyright (c) 1983 Lucasfilm Ltd' instead of
'THE LUCASFILM ORIGINAL Copyright 1985 Lucasfilm Ltd' |
The programmer names are
shown without the AUTHOR easter egg, but they are
different. The prototype shows only 'Concept &
Program D. Levine' 'Sound & Autoplayer P. Langston'
instead of 'Cocept, Graphics, Dynamics, and Control
Structures...DAVID LEVINE' 'Music, Sound Effects, Rules,
and Droid Strategies...PETER LANGSTON' over two
different screens. |
The 'Regulation Certified INTERSTELLAR
BALLBLAZER CONFERENCE' text is missing |
The music on the title screen is a little
different and lacks the bass line changes
The AUTHOR easter egg is missing
The programmer initials easter egg is
There is no options menu. All games are 3
minutes and set to human vs human
There is no computer opponent
There is a slight delay between the end of the
music and the release of the ball at the start of the
The in-game music lacks
the randomly generated percussion layer
Select does not pause the game
Break does not reset the game
When the rotofoil has the ball, its windshield
does not light up
The sky does not flash when scoring a
goal. The scoring rotofoil also does not light up.
At the end of a match, the losing rotofoil does
not spin out of control
When the game ends in a draw there is no OVER
TIME message and the timer stays at zero until someone
scores a goal.