Factorman |
Company: |
Miles Laboratories, Inc. /
Cutter Biological (Anidata Inc.)
Model #:
N/A |
L.K. McNamara
Year: |
1983 |
Discovered in 2023
The Atari 8-Bit computers were no stranger to odd
'edutainment' games. From Typo Attack to Frogmaster,
companies apparently thought there was a market for education
programs with simple games grafted on the top. Some of
these (like the aforementioned Typo Attack) turned out to be
pretty fun, others clearly missed the mark. Factorman
however is truly in a league of its own...
Factorman is a strange educational program with two
very simple games tacked on. The program starts with the
words "Somewhere deep in space..." and then shows what looks to be
a generic superhero called Factorman. Although you might be
thinking that this is some sort of math game about factoring, the
real answer is stranger than that. Factorman is actually a
health education game put out by Cutter Biological. Cutter
is probably best known for their insect repellent, but also
dabbled in several other areas of medicine including the infamous
polio vaccine incident. Thankfully this game appears to be
about joints and clotting Specifically some medicine called
'Factor'. You know, Factor! All the kids are talkin'
about Factor, it needs no further explanation.
The 'game' starts with Factorman playing what
appears to be racquetball (minus the racquet) in an enclosed room
with three doors. Factor man must throw the ball at one of
these three doors and hope he hits the right one. When
Factorman hits a door one of three things can happen: 1. The ball
will reflect off the door and start bouncing around the room until
it hits Factorman or another door, 2. A red bar will appear across
the door and Factorman will lose 500 points (if he has any) and
the ball will be returned to him, or 3. Factorman will enter the
maze. If Factorman misses the door entirely the ball will
start bouncing around the room as if he hit the reflective
door. The higher the difficulty level selected, the slower
Factorman will move which makes avoiding the ball nearly
Assuming Factorman was lucky enough to guess the
correct door, the screen will suddenly change to a giant maze and
Factorman (represented by a dot) will take off running. The
speed at which Factorman moves through the maze is determined by
the difficulty level. Although it might appear otherwise,
you have no control over Factorman in the maze other than when he
reaches a junction point at which time you can push in the
direction you'd like him to go. If Factorman hits a dead end
he will be returned to the 'Room of Doom' otherwise if you find
the exit you will be rewarded with bonus points and then be
returned to the room. There's no backtracking in the maze
(although you can loop back around if the maze allows it), so plan
out where you want to go well in advance.
If Factorman gets hit by the ball the words INJURY
will appear in the lower left corner of the screen and the screen
will turn blue. Then the game will ask if you have pain,
swelling, or bleeding (the player must press P, S, and B at these
prompts). At this point the game will usually say 'GET
FACTOR' and the player must move Factorman over to the picture of
the bottle before time runs out. Sometimes however the game
will simply say 'None' after all three prompts and return back to
the ball throwing game. If Factorman 'Gets Factor' then the
edutainment portion of the game kicks in.
The player is now shown a simple presentation about
joint injuries. The presentation consists of several
different slides complete with animation explaining how joints
work and how to treat injuries with 'Factor Infusion'. This
presentation is exactly the same each time, but thankfully can be
sped up by holding down the start key. Occasionally the game
will ask a question at the end of the presentation, if you answer
correctly the game will tell you so and return you to the ball
throwing screen. If you answer incorrectly the game will
tell you so and... return you to the ball throwing screen.
Either way you lose a life, so don't worry if you weren't paying
The 'Factor' referred to in that game was most
likely a product called Factor VIII, which was a drug for
hemophiliacs that helped with blood clotting. Unfortunately
the drug was made from donated plasma supply which became
contaminated with HIV and was pulled from the market about the
time this program was made (although Cutter sold it overseas for
many years afterward). The rough nature of the gameplay in
this prototype coupled with the professional looking label is odd,
but may actually help pinpoint what it was used for. While
the 'game' is too unpolished for a commercial release (assuming
that was even the plan), it was just functional enough to be used
for quick demonstrations. This has led to the theory that it
was meant to be used by Cutter sales reps to show to doctors or
other medical professionals in an effort to get them acquainted
with Factor VIII in an entertaining way. If true, this may
be one of the earliest attempts at this form of advertising.
Special thanks to John Hardie for obtaining and
dumping this prototype and to Karl Bork for finding the
information on Factor VIII.
Version |
Cart Text |
Description |
?/??/83 |
Playable WIP
to 8-Bit Software