Psyclotron 11-??-84
This appears to be the near final version of Psyclotron.
This particular disk dates to November of 1984. Note the
instructions to remove all special hardware before playing, this
was to prevent people from copying the disk. There's also
a warning not to write protect the disk. This is because
the game will format the disk if the copy protection code is
tripped and the programmer wisely foresaw people trying to get
around this by write protecting the disk. In fact the game
won't boot at all if the disk is write protected.
The only major differences with this version and the final is
that the Eclectek splash screen is missing before the title
screen and a small bug where the right side of the brain won't
start glowing again even when the hit points have been restored
by collecting a synapse. This version also seems to be a
little more difficult so some difficulty adjustments might have
been done after this version was made.
The level transitions are similar to Robotron
Have a Mental Health bonus!
This bonus is much harder to achieve
That's a lot of stuff to have on the
screen with no flicker
to Psyclotron