Tarzan of the Apes
Tarzan of the Apes
Company: |
Coleco |
Model #:
N/A |
Year: |
1984 |
A Colecovision and
Atari 2600 port also exist
Tarzan (real name John Clayton II) is a character created by
Edgar Rice Burroughs in 1912. Tarzan was the
Viscount of Greystoke (a type of noble) who was orphaned in
Africa when his parents died on an expedition. The infant
Tarzan was then adopted and raised by a tribe of friendly great
apes resulting in him becoming a feral man living in the
jungle. Eventually Tarzan meets an American named Jane
whom he saves and marries. After briefly returning to
England he decides that his place is in the jungle among his ape
friends so he and Jane return to Africa. Tarzan has been
the subject of numerous novels (24 and counting), movies, and
even a few video games. In fact the original version of
Jungle Hunt (then known as Jungle King) featured Tarzan, just
not by name. The estate of Edgar Rice Burroughs sued Taito
and they were forced to change the character to an
explorer. Coleco managed to secure the rights to Tarzan
(as a tie in for the 1984 movie Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan,
Lord of the Apes) and created games for the Atari 2600, Atari
8-Bit computers, and Colecovision. Of these only the
Colecovision version was actually released.

Tarzan is an action game in which you control the the titular
Tarzan who must free his captured ape family from the evil hunters
and Beastmen who are holding them captive in cages scattered
throughout the jungle. Being a wild ape-man, Tarzan's only
weapons are his spectacular climbing/leaping/swimming skills and
punching. Tarzan must traverse several different types of
screens in order to rescue all the apes, destroy the idol at the
top of the Temple of Opar, and win the game.

As Tarzan moves through the jungle, he will face numerous
enemies. Some enemies can be stunned either by punching them
(The Hunter, Bolgani the Gorilla King, and Beastmen on the cage
screens) while others can be eliminated by jumping on them (Histah
the Snake and Gimla the Crocodile). Each time Tarzan is hit
by an enemy, falls into the water, or falls to the ground he will
be stunned for a few seconds and lose some vitality. If
Tarzan loses all his vitality it's game over. Thankfully
Tarzan recovers some vitality for every 1,000 points he scores so
make sure to take the time to smack around a few enemies.
Tarzan is divided into several different areas/screens.
Each screen has different gameplay elements and enemies.
The Jungle
Tarzan starts out the game in the jungle. Not only
is the jungle alive, but everything in this jungle is trying its
best to kill Tarzan! Your goal is to make your way to the
right side of each screen either by running/swimming across the
ground, or by climbing trees and swinging through the air by
vines. The treetops are safer, but require more skill to
get through as Tarzan must jump from vine to vine. Missing
a vine or otherwise dropping to the group will stun Tarzan and
cost precious time. There is a bug in this version that
causes Tarzan to fall to the ground if the vine he's swinging on
moves off the side of the screen (this usually happens when
swinging on a vine from one screen to the next). To avoid
this try and jump off the vines as quickly as possible.

On the ground Tarzan will face enemies in the form of
Bolgani the ape, Histah the snake (who appears as a pair of eyes
in the background until he jumps out as you pass), and Gimla the
crocodile (who only appears in the water). Remember that
Tarzan must punch Bolgani to stun him (stop moving and press the
fire button) and jump/fall on Histah and Gimla (press the fire
button while moving). Be careful as Bolgani and Histah can
climb trees to peruse Tarzan, but they cannot enter the
water. In fact if Tarzan punches Bolgani into the water he
will be eliminated. Another danger that Tarzan faces on
the ground are hidden pit traps. These pit traps are
invisible until Tarzan runs over one and will cost him precious
energy if he falls into one (Bolgani can also fall into pit
traps which will eliminate him). The only way to detect a
pit trap is if Nikma is accompanying Tarzan (see below).
If Tarzan doesn't have Nikma he should try to keep to the trees
when possible. Pit traps can also appear in the hunters
camp so be careful. Eventually after passing through a few
screens Tarzan will come upon the first hunters camp.

The Hunters Camp
In the Hunters Camp Tarzan will see a pole with a cage
containing Tarzan's monkey friend Nikma on the top. Here
Tarzan must avoid the crazed hunter attempting to shoot him,
climb the center pole, and punch the cage free Nikma. Once
Nikma is freed Tarzan will gain some vitality and be able able
to move onto the next area of jungle. Nikma will now
accompany Tarzan and warn him of any pit traps in his path (he
will also warn Tarzan if Histah is nearby). Nikma will
stay with Tarzan until the end of the round or Tarzan gets too
close to any of the banana bunches that occasionally appear in
the trees. If this happens Nikma will leave Tarzan to chow
down on some bananas for the rest of the round.
The Hanging Cages
After a few more jungle screens Tarzan will arrive at a
screen with two cages hanging above a lake. These cages
are guarded by vicious Beastmen who move up and down the chains
holding the cages. Tarzan must climb up the trees on
either side of the screen, swing over to a cage via the vine,
and punch it open. If a Beastman hits Tarzan he will drop
into the lake below and be stunned for a time. Tarzan can
punch the Beastmen into the lake by spamming the fire button
when they're near (although eliminating the Beastmen isn't
required). Once both apes are freed Tarzan can move onto
the next area. Tarzan will have to go through more jungle
and another set of hunters camp and hanging cages screens before
reaching the next area.
The Temple of Opar
Tarzan has finally made it to the lost Temple of Opar
where the Beastmen are holding the remaining apes. Here
Tarzan must open the cages on each floor of the temple while
punching out Beastmen and avoiding the fireballs being shot by
the Idol of the Flaming God. Tarzan can climb up to the
next level of the temple using conveniently placed vine patches
but be careful as there are holes in the floor that must be
jumped over. After freeing all the apes Tarzan must make
his way to the very top of the temple while dodging the idol's
fire breath and destroy the idol with his 'ape roar'.
Once the idol is destroyed the next round will start.

The Atari 8-Bit version of Tarzan has been available on various
internet sites for years, but its origins are unclear. The
disk image automatically loads all the various code files from OSS
DOS which either is due to it still being a prototype or was
something put in when the game was pirated. While the game
itself seems fairly complete (and practically identical to the
Colecovision release), there are still some bugs that need to be
ironed out and it needs some fine tuning. Other than the
above mentioned edge of the screen vine bug, it's way too easy to
keep being hit by Histah over and over again unless you mash the
fire button to jump away. There are also some control issues
where Tarzan seems to jump instead of punch even though the
joystick isn't being pressed which can lead to all sorts of
frustrating hits. Tarzan also doesn't move up and down in
straight lines, rather he moves upwards and downwards at an angle
which can make avoiding some obstacles rather difficult on cramped
screens. The game is also brutally hard, even on the lowest
difficulty, but this is somewhat offset by the fact that Tarzan
can simply punch an enemy over and over again until he's back to
full health.

So why wasn't Tarzan released? Most likely it was the
victim of the crumbling video game market. 1984 wasn't the
best year to be releasing video games, and although it fared a bit
better than the 2600/5200, the Atari 8-bits saw the sames steep
decline in sales. Because they got into the Atari 8-Bit
market late, Coleco only released one Atari 8-Bit title (Wargames)
before throwing in the towel. Other than Tarzan, their only
other known Atari 8-Bit title was Dr. Suess Fix-Up the Mix-Up
Puzzler which was eventually released by CBS although Coleco is
still credited on the title screen.
to 8-Bit Software