Atari 5200 Label Variations

Due to it's short lifespan (1982-1984),
there aren't many major 5200 label variations. Here are some
of the more significant ones.
1 - Thin Stripe |
The earliest label that 5200 used. The Atari
5200 logo is large and centered across the top of the silver label,
with the 5200 going down the side of the word Atari. Underneath
the logo there is a thin blue stripe with the name of the game written
on it in white letters. The picture is centered underneath
the blue stripe and the copyright info is written in black under
that. Atari used this style from 1982 to early 83. |
1- Thick Stripe |
Looks the same as the Silver 1 Thin Stripe, but
the blue stripe with the game title is much thicker, almost to the
point of being a box. Other than the size of the stripe the
label is basically the Silver 1 style. Atari used this style
in 1983. |
2 |
Atari decided to redo the the 5200 label style
in late 1983 with a new look. Instead of having a small picture
with a blue name stripe, Atari decided to use the game's original
title font and increase the picture size. The Atari 5200 logo
has been pushed to the upper right hand corner, and the copyright
information was moved to the left of the picture. Starting
in 1986 Atari re-released some games in this style, but changed
the shiny silver label to a dull gray (most likely as a cost cutting
move). Atari used this label style for the rest of the Atari
5200's life (1983 to 1986). |
Name |
For some odd reason Rescue on Fractalus,
and Ballbalzer (both Lucasarts games) don't have the game title
on the cart anywhere. The only indication of what game your
playing is the picture (which makes it pretty easy to guess). The
1986 Atari re-released Vanguard in this style, and Space Invaders
is also rumored to exist without a title. |
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