Astro Chase
Astro Chase |
Company: |
Parker Bros.
Model #:
N/A |
Alex Leavens
Year: |
1983 |
Original game by
Fernando Herrera
Developed by First Star Software
and originally released for the Atari 8-bit line of computers on
tape and disk, Astro Chase is an interesting 2-D maze chase game
that is a little too difficult for it's own good. This is
a shame because not only is Astro Chase a beautiful game to look
at, but it has a whole lot of potential. Interestingly
Astro Chase was also released for the Exidy Max-A-Flex
arcade machine (an Atari 600XL in an arcade cabinet) making it
one of the first home computer games to get ported to the
arcades (sort of).

The goal of Astro Chase is to stop the dreaded
space mines from reaching earth, which just happens to be at the
center of the universe (as we've always assumed). However
you can't just go around zapping space mines unhindered, no that
would be too easy. In Astro Chase the universe is actually
a giant maze of stars and planets. As you weave your way
through the maze you'll begin encountering enemy ships (what
space game would be complete without a few enemy ships?) that
will try their best to either shoot you out of the sky (err...
space), or just ram into you.

Thankfully you're not completely
defenseless, you're armed with (wait for it...) a laser!
You can use this laser to either shoot ships or space
mines (which is of course the goal of the game), but shooting
takes energy. Every time your ship shoots, bumps into a
planet or star, or moves, it eats up energy. Once your
ship runs out energy it blows up, so don't let that happen.
To recharge your energy, simply fly through one of the
energy generators conveniently located in the four corners of
the universe (these appear as glowing squares). Your ship
can also generate a force field by flying through one of the
force field generators located on the edges of the screen (these
are non-glowing squares). While generating a force field
your ship is invincible and your energy consumption from moving
is temporarily halted. You can also ram the enemy (but not
mines), but will cost you 100 units of energy. The force
field lasts approximately 10 seconds.

While it plays very similarly to the Atari
8-bit/5200 original, the Atari 2600 version of Astro Chase had
some changes made to fit the capabilities of the system. The
first change, and most important, is that each level only has 8
mines to destroy. This differs from the original Atari 8-bit
version where each level had 16, although the Atari 5200 version
also only had 8. Other changes made to the Atari 2600
version include removing the cute cut scenes that occurred every
few levels and told the story of your ever increasing popularity
(ending in a huge parade). The graphics survived mostly
intact (albeit with flicker), but the mines and generators have
been reduced to simple squares.

While the earlier levels may be simple
enough, the later levels quickly become insanely
difficult. It doesn't help that your ship is constantly in
motion (bouncing off planets or overshooting enemies) and that
the small space mines can be hard to hit. If even one mine
makes it to Earth the entire game ends, so the best strategy is
to circle earth and let the mines come to you or you'll risk one
hitting while you're off screen. Astro Chase quickly
becomes an exercise in frustration as you watch the Earth blow
up time and time again while the 1812 Overture plays in the
background (this can be turned off and on with the left
difficulty switch).

One mystery surrounding Astro Chase is who was actually
going to publish the Atari 2600 version. Both Parker
Bros. and First Star Software had ads stating that the 2600
version (along with the Colecovision and C64 cartridge) were
coming soon. First Star Software had already released
Boing! for the 2600 so it would make sense that they would also
be planning on releasing Astro Chase, but Parker Bros. appears
to have had some of the home rights as they released cartridge
versions for the Atari 8-bits and 5200. However a
blurb in the June 1983 issue of The Video Game Update states
that Parker Bros. did indeed license the 2600 and Colecovision
versions, so it appears that Parker Bros. was the intended
distributor after all. So why did the Atari 2600 version
go unreleased? The most likely answer is due to the
crowded and collapsing 2600 game market. The 2600 version
of Astro Chase's cancellation is specifically mentioned in the
April 1984 issue of Video Games Player even though it was
Version |
Cart Text |
Description |
?/??/83 |
Astro Chase |
Mid-Level WIP |
Astro Chase * Atari 2600 VCS
c 1983 First Star Software 10/20/83
Final version? |
10/25/83 |
Astro Chase Rev 1.5 25-OCT-83
Final version?
to 2600 Software