The game demo starts up with Ollie
about to catch Daisy and will actually kill the player
if the player doesn't start the game quick enough.
The released version never has Ollie catching Daisy and
will alternate between showing the demo and the title
screen. |
There is music and sound on the starting demo |
There is no title screen |
The music is different and plays faster |
Ollie is a black instead
of brown/orange
The player graphic is different and one color
instead of three |
There is a small graphical glitch in the score
when pressing reset |
The game starts immediately after
pressing reset and doesn't show Ollie stealing the
machine pieces or which houses they're hidden in.
The maze is different and more
complex |
The maze screen extends lower so the machine is
placed lower
The bomb pit is a large square and is missing
the bomb symbol and 'PIT' text
There is no 'START' text below the start button |
The Start Button is
positioned higher |
Some of the house graphics are different and
face sideways instead of forward |
Fuzzy Wuzzy is brown instead of orange |
Fuzzy Wuzzy flickers more and is harder to see |
Fuzzy Wuzzy moves much faster
Fuzzy Wuzzy is not visible unless the player is
inside the maze |
The death animation has the player laying on his
back instead of standing
The death music plays faster |
There are no reserve life markers shown on the
main game screen. They only show on the
death screen. |
The reserve life markers are shaped like the
player instead of squares |
The game starts out at max difficulty with all
eight pieces being hidden
You can collect and place
the pieces in any order
The player is not animated
There is no 'Gun Power' meter on the shooting
The machine shoots by itself and there is no way
to adjust the power
The machine shooting is glitchy and the shot
will sometimes disappear and start over again
There is no password on the shooting screen and
no letters are earned
The music/sound for hitting Ollie and finishing
the round is different |
There is no Game Over message |