Dragonstomper |
Company: |
Starpath / Arcadia
Model #:
AR4400 |
Stephen Landrum |
Year: |
1982 |
Originally called
Excalibur |
In 1982 an innovative company named Arcadia developed what
would become the best 2600 accessory ever created. This
accessory not only allowed games to be loaded from tapes (a much
cheaper format than cartridges), but added a whopping 6K of
memory to the 2600 (bringing the total up to 8K). Not only
did this allow for more complex games (multiple levels could
easily be loaded from the tape), but the extra memory allowed
programmers to create better more detailed graphics. What
is this miracle device I speak of? Why it's the
Supercharger of course! And without the miracle of the
Supercharger, a game like Dragonstomper would never have been

Often referred to as Dragon Warrior 0.5, Dragonstomper is the
only true RPG for the 2600 (and no games like Adventure don't
count!). Not only is Dragonstomper an intriguing
multi-screened adventure game, but it also allows the player to
fight monsters and gain experience using a turn based combat
system. While it may not be on the same level as the complex
RPG's of today, Dragonstomper is amazingly impressive considering
that it's running on an Atari 2600.

You are the Dragonstomper (how exactly does one
stomp a dragon?). The king has summoned you to dispatch the
evil dragon and return peace to the land (peace is so overrated.).
However even with your fabled powers you are not yet
powerful enough to take on the dragon. You must first
explore the countryside, gaining strength, experience, and most
importantly gold! For without gold you will not be able to
recruit men or buy items to help you defeat the dragon.

The Enchanted Countryside
You will spend most of the game here in the
enchanted countryside. Your goal here is explore the region,
finding useful items and earning gold. As you explore you
will be attacked by the various beasts the roam the countryside,
this is a good thing. By fighting monsters you will gain
gold, and items such as keys, rings, potions, axes, and shields
which will help you in the final battle against the dragon.
You start out with 23 strength points which are used to
calculate how much damage you do to an enemy, but also double as
your hit points. Strength points will return slowly over
time, but you can gain more by donating money to the
church. Your character also starts out with 23
dexterity points, which are used to help you escape traps, dodge
enemy attacks, and run from fights. Both strength and
dexterity max out at 52.

Scattered throughout the countryside are various
structures which you can enter such as castles, temples, huts, and
churches. Usually entering one of these buildings will
result in being attacked, but occasionally you will find a useful
item. Since theft is a problem even in this enchanted realm,
most structures are locked and require a key to open. You
can find keys occasionally after fighting a monster. Take
special caution around castles since they have traps around them,
getting caught in a trap will cost you strength and dexterity
points. Also keep an eye out for the flashing castle for it
contains a special item you will need to get into the village.

As you journey through the countryside you will
start to acquire a large cache of items. These items can be
used to increase or decrease your strength and dexterity stats,
but using them is a gamble. The effect an item has is random
until you use it for the first time (i.e. if the cross decreased
your strength, each subsequent cross will do the same until you
reset the game). The random items are: the cross, ring,
potion, charm, and staff, while the set items are: the key, ID
scroll, shield, and axe. The axe will increase your attack
power (very useful) and allow you to break down doors (talk about
breaking and entering), while the shield can be used to trigger
the programmers initials (use it while an axe symbol is on the

To enter the village you will have to get past the
bridge guard. There are three ways to do this: bribe him
(this takes 600 gold), give him the ID scroll (found in the
countryside), or fight him. Fighting the bridge guard is
almost impossible and not recommended unless you have at least
three gain strength items in reserve. Once you make your way
past the guard you will enter the oppressed village.

The Oppressed Village
This is your one and only chance to stock up on
supplies and hire some help. There are several shops here
such as a magic shop, trade shop, and a hospital. You can
also hire a warrior or two (the little guys marching through town)
to help you fight the dragon. Once your ready, go down to
the gate and prepare to enter the dragon's cave!
In the Magic Shop you can buy powerful scrolls
which will come in use against the dragon.
Blast |
Powerful offensive spell |
Flash |
Lights up the cave for a brief moment |
Protect |
Causes enemy attacks to miss |
Unlock |
Removes magic barriers |
Stun |
Temporarily stuns enemies |
Vision |
Allows you to see traps |

The Trade Shop is your basic item shop, and is full
of neat stuff.
Lantern |
Does nothing in the final game, but may
have been used earlier prototypes
Rope |
Needed to safely enter the dragon's lair |
Ruby |
Used to hire warriors (cheaper than gold) |
Chain |
Same use as rope. May have had a
different use in earlier prototypes.
Sapphire |
Used to hire warriors (cheaper than gold) |
Longbow |
Long distance weapon |

As you may have guessed the hospital is full of
healing items.
Medicine |
Cures poison |
Vitamins |
Restores strength |
Elixir |
Restores Dexterity |
The Dragon's Cave
This is the final part of your journey. The
dragon's cave is full of nasty traps, so make sure you use a
vision scroll to get around them. Also found in the cave are
poison darts which must be avoided or you'll be poisoned, if this
happens use the medicine to cure yourself. Once you find the
hole leading to the dragon, you will automatically use the rope or
chain to descend.

Fighting the dragon can be a frightening prospect.
Make sure you use the stun spell to stop the dragon from
countering, and then hit him with your blast spells. If the
dragon wakes up he'll go after your warriors (assuming you hired
any), so attack him from a distance with your longbow until he
goes down. Once the dragon is dead, grab the amulet and
you'll win the game. Now sit back and reflect on your
amazing accomplishment, you've beaten one of the hardest games on
the 2600.
Version |
Cart Text |
Description |
?/??/82 |
Excalibur |
Very early WIP |
7/17/82 |
Mid level WIP (v36)
7/23/82 |
Mid level WIP (v39)
9/3/82 |
Late WIP (v48) |
?/??/82 |
Excalibur |
Late WIP
to 2600 Software